"And this is us opening the Eastern quarter. And this is us opening the Southern Quarter. And... oh, look! There’s Mrs You-Know-Who! Died since then, poor dear. Dogging Accident. Shame.
Then What’s-His-Name read one of his pomes and everyone had a seizure. Fortunately Old-Fatty was on hand to shout one of his pomes at us, which was nice."
I’ve long held the view that the claims from some quarters to be reconstructing extinct pagan religions are a joke, but recent blogs elsewhere on shoe-box shrines and the public exposition of private, home-made rituals have led me to a startling conclusion regarding the true origins of the “reconstructed” paganisms. I wouldn’t be surprised if the "reconstructionists" start burying time capsules any time soon.
Anyone who’s spent a little time reading the BBC pagan board will be familiar with the grandiose claims of one particular woman. She implies expertise in more areas of religion and magic than Ali Bongo teaching R.E., but she’s now pretending to be an expert in everything from electromagnetism through geology to climatology as she rips entire hunks of text from Wikipedia without making quotation clear or offering credit.
Just when you thought the BBC crew couldn’t get any more sad. It's not the first time she's done it and it won't be the last. The Brain she isn’t. Pinky? Definitely.