Forsooth! Verily it came to pass? Odd’s bodkins! I must journey long to the bookshoppe beyond the bookshoppe and say hence to Miss Watastonos: “Between a till girl and a paying customer a book order may be placed” and hope not that my wallet o’plenty must remain in that hall until teatime. Or something.
It's been done, actually, by the Koreans.
Forsooth! Verily it came to pass? Odd’s bodkins! I must journey long to the bookshoppe beyond the bookshoppe and say hence to Miss Watastonos: “Between a till girl and a paying customer a book order may be placed” and hope not that my wallet o’plenty must remain in that hall until teatime. Or something.
Hie ye hence!!
Don’t tell me that you’ve come down with Hie Fever too!
High Fiver.
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