Thursday, 16 October 2008

Beasts of Brython.

Now then, here we are in Utopia. Mr. Jones has been chased off the farm and all the animals are each very happy about it, restructuring their new land, Flag Farm, and their own labours in ways they feel best suited to modern, 21st Century life. There are no bosses and everyone is equal. Blue jeans good - white robes bad. All’s well with the world.

The interesting thing, to my mind, will be seeing who takes up the masks of Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer.


Bo said...

Oh, give over!

Fog Patches. said...

I think that I ask a fair question. At this time Brython is being moved in a direction where it will chase the interests of Stefan and Craig. The leadership of Brython will no doubt sound impressive to your average internet pagan. C.V. paganism. I wonder how long before Brython changes its name to The Loyal Albion Warband and starts to promote all the historical nonsense which perspired, no sp., all of this.

Flag Fen was just a wave at consultation, an empty fag packet thrown at democracy from the window of the speeding Fiesta which is Brython. No more druids? Is this the gift which Stefan has imparted to Brython, freedom from a title? The Albion Conclave still sells druidry to druids. Yes, those terms may be removed and replaced by others but there, still, is all of the pseudo historical bollocks in the mind of many in Brython. I cannot see any real point to the unilateral abrogation of druid as a title when this bollocks still determines what people think about the history of our ancestors.

And another thing - what have you got against pigs? I’ll have you know that some of my favourite dishes are pork.

Bo said...

Fog Patches - I didn't mention pigs, so why you ask what I have against them is a mystery.

Stefan is not in charge of Brython; LR and Craig and Blackbird are (I believe). I agree that it is not impressive that the AC is still selling its course on TDN. Maybe you could write to Stefan privately on CF, as you are both now members, and ask why this is and what his intentions are? That would be constructive.

As I made quite clear elsewhere on here, we at Brython are all aware that the history in Stefan's statement is pap: I pointed it out, amongst others. So I don't think it is fair to describe the minds of 'most' (what proportion is that, and how precisely do you see into their minds?) as full of 'pseudo historical bollocks'.

I wasn't at Flag Fen, but I see little similarity between your description of it and the accounts provided by those who were. (I assume you weren't present yourself given your 'Be there and be square' barb, although a pleasing mental image is generated of you dressed as a bush, shuffling surreptiously around the side of the roundhouse in order to press your ear up against the wattle-and-daub.) That said, I like the fiesta image.

You could so easily help people to think more clearly, self-critically and with greater historical consciousness, without being so snide.

But perhaps the snideness is the point? Ah, another of life's mysteries, perhaps.

Fog Patches. said...

Stefan is not in charge of Brython; LR and Craig and Blackbird are (I believe). I agree that it is not impressive that the AC is still selling its course on TDN. Maybe you could write to Stefan privately on CF, as you are both now members, and ask why this is and what his intentions are? That would be constructive.

Craig speaks of Stefan in rather glowing terms, and the others are not far behind, I think. I’m sure that they are both wonderful people of great virtue - I just think that their history stinks and that it’s rather unusual to sell one principle to one set of people while preaching another to a second.

My account is barred, incidentally.

As I made quite clear elsewhere on here, we at Brython are all aware that the history in Stefan's statement is pap: I pointed it out, amongst others.

Yes, as I have said, I accept that you have not trod in this pap, but I have seen nothing on the Brython forum which would lead me to believe that others have wiped it from their feet.

I don't think it is fair to describe the minds of 'most' (what proportion is that, and how precisely do you see into their minds?) as full of 'pseudo historical bollocks'.

Most? Whom are you quoting?

a pleasing mental image is generated of you dressed as a bush, shuffling surreptiously around the side of the roundhouse in order to press your ear up against the wattle-and-daub.)

I agree, it is rather funny.

You could so easily help people to think more clearly, self-critically and with greater historical consciousness, without being so snide.

Well, apparently people don’t wish me to be heard.

But perhaps the snideness is the point? Ah, another of life's mysteries, perhaps.

Ah, come on, now. We are mutual admirers in this respect.