Sunday, 8 November 2009

Expelliarmus, Boyo! Welsh as the New Latin.

Over here, Robin made reference to the Hogwarts’ school of paganism. Well, further proof that pagans are growing increasingly loopy comes from the increasing incidence of Welsh in some non-Welsh quarters. September and October seemed to be Welsh month over at the BBC’s pagan forums when several members decided to adopt Welsh names but they soon got bored of that and went back en flock to using English.

Less easily bored are the Brython lot, who seem determined to elevate Welsh to the level of a ritual language. They’ve even started to make up new Welsh names for the days of the week. Yes, there are native Welsh speakers in Brython as there are native Welsh speakers in Britain, but why should so many people seem determined to give it such prominence? Are they convinced that there was some Arcadian age of Albion in which everyone spoke Welsh? Boys and girls - give it up. You just look and sound silly. I saw a television programme once featuring a Star Trek convention. There were all these fankids going around with bits of liver Sellotaped to their foreheads shouting at each other in Klingon. That’s what you’re like, with your made-up mythology and your pick‘n‘mix pantheon. Seriously, you’re an embarrassment to paganism, and that’s not easy. It’s a definite sign of a practice’s incoherence when the BBC pagans get bored of playing with it.


Jools said...

The first link only goes to the main page.

As for the rest of your post, I agree. I like Wales. I like the Welsh language. But I doubt very much it will catch on here.

Fog Patches. said...

“The first link only goes to the main page.”

Thanks Jools. I’ve corrected the error. I can’t find anything rude to write about Robin’s words, which for me is a close approximation to praise.

Lee said...

you mean the changes to the usernames?

it was Gaelic.

Fog Patches. said...

“it was Gaelic.”

At the BBC? Yet funnier, if Brython can’t engage those Velcro-brains.