Monday, 14 July 2008

…And How It Came To Be.

The idea of this blog has been with me for some time but I have only recently decided to create it after having been placed in pre-moderation during my second day on the Yahoo group BritPoly. I have nothing against pre-moderation per se but I feel this act was a bit excessive and ever-so-slightly power-crazed and I realise that I have no wish to submit my posts for the approval of someone who has lost my respect before I have had a chance to speak with them properly. There are many forums upon the internet moderated by hobbyists and enthusiasts &c, and if they own a group then of course they have an interest in keeping it lively and interesting, but when moderators repeatedly permit new members to be attacked by their friends with insulting terms and ad hominems then they are guilty of croneyism and the group in question is already dead. It has closed its eyes and stopped its ears to new perspectives and ideas. It has ossified and become a place where chums and buddies and faux-kin bash strangers for allegedly not-trying-to-fit-in. I think when these people place a new member into pre-moderation on their second day as a member then it is clear that unless that new member emulates the interests and attitude of the croney crew then their posts will not appear on the board. I have no wish to become a sock-puppet of BritPoly’s moderators and so, in recognition of this profound act of power-freakery, my next few posts shall be replies which did not pass moderation as well as replies which I have not bothered to post at all. If you are reading this then it is possible that you are a current member of BritPoly and in which case I wish you good luck, but up with this sort of thing I shall not put.

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