Monday, 14 July 2008

To A.D.

Quotations responded to replaced by suitable, concise summaries in brackets. Original post at link provided, accessible by Britpoly members and cronies.

[Warble warble]

I think the evidence is in the way that Nick jumped all over both Tygerstryke and and myself, and in the lack of any provocation to warrant this.


I don’t know what you are talking about here. I’ve even offered you two alternatives for how quotes appear in my posts. Feel free to tell me in what ways I have demonstrated no desire to fit in here.


Perhaps you missed my introduction.


Your evidence being?


As I said in my introduction that was not my intention.


Curiosity, of course. Why is anyone a member?


It says nothing on the front page about members being obliged to give anything. Is there a gift list? A toaster perhaps? An ironing board? No, I think my perspective (see my introduction) might make this group a little richer. It’s a humble ambition but there we are; I can’t teach anyone how to become invisible at will or speak with the sparrows but you might find my views and titbits interesting, nonetheless.


Satisfied curiosity.


Already achieved, trust me. As for my posts now, I don’t think replying to posts aimed at me is in anyway excessive.

If you do not wish to continue this on board then you're welcome to email me. I would be happy to hear from you. I’m not sure any of us can stand much more of this robust debate, about me. I have always thought Gods were much more interesting.

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