Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Is There Wife On Vase?

Shock footage from Stonehenge as Arch Wookie flaunts relationship with pot of forecourt chrysanthemums. Amazing feat of ventriloquism, shape-shifting gone sour, or something more queer? You decide.


Bo said...

Quite. The daft, bearded old sot is an absolute halfwit.

Piquant to see you back after a year, apparently unchanged! You weren't off in a monastery in Bhutan doing intensive compassion meditation then?!


Fog Patches. said...

Thanks, but no. Mongolia. I learned how to cloud the minds of men, although looking around it seems like something of a redundant skill.

I brought you back some rock.

Bo said...

As in 'stick of', to be eaten while riding a gentle old donkey along a sandy beach, or just...a rock?

Fog Patches. said...

Stick. It’s quite a wide diameter as it’s clear script, written vertically and it’s a blessing referring to pens, words, work and service to God. I doubt you’d be able to get your mouth around it even if you wanted to eat this thing of beauty.

If you prefer you can have the khulan in the sombrero. Looks like it’s leapt right off the wall of a cave. You’d have the same problem, though. Thing of beauty. Wide diameter.

arth frown said...

Thanks for posting the video. You can count on the Stonehenge druids for comedy.