Wednesday 3 September 2008


The BBC’s Pagan Topic has become so dull, so far off-topic and so devoid of any kind of civilised discussion - the most active discussion for the last month being some interminable stream of flatulence about crayons - that they have turned to the person they consider adversary number one in order to get any kind of relief from the shower of shit which is the current level of discourse in that place.

The theme is something along the lines of “you‘re not a pagan and don‘t belong here”. Meanwhile, many of the regular posters at The Pagan Topic troll The Muslim Topic, The Jewish Topic and The Christian Topic.


Lee said...

message boards will always have irrelevant chatter. the BBC has had its odd threads like this ever since you and I started postng there years ago. i remember one about 'watering' the plants at kew gardens.

best to ignore those threads really, i do.

Fog Patches. said...

That may be so yet the irrelevant chatter leaks from discussions such as this by way of the participants and into other discussions. If an interesting post or potential value is placed in short order it degenerates into a rash of emoticons and general, uninformed non-committal remarks. Simply put, interesting and productive discussions do not arise from the consensus which, due to the uninformed nature of the participants - present company excepted, is the order of the day upon The Pagan Topic.

Now, I see that the tabloid readers are out in force.

Lee said...

when it leaks out i tend to skip the pointless posts.

yeah... reminds me of the protests in Portsmouth a few years ago about peadophiles. morons hounded a paediatrician out of his home. there is nothing as dumb as a mob mentality - apart from a council estate mob mentality.

Fog Patches. said...

Several of the people posting in that discussion, and its parallel over on The Christian Topic are homicidal mobs all by themselves, many of their posts particularly delicious in their irony while being ham-fisted in their fallacy.

Lee said...

wholeheartedly agree.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious, isn't it?

Fog Patches. said...

Certainly is.

Fog Patches. said...

Welcome, by the way. I admire your views and their expression.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Fog Patches.

Can you clear something up for me, over which I'm still in some confusion: are you indeed the same person who used to post as Recondite Revenant, and on the old boards as Zombies of Distinction?

Or are you a victim of the BBC MB posters' tendency to conflate everyone who disagrees with them into a single identity?

Fog Patches. said...

Come into my parlour but don’t forget to you say the secret password or I’ll set the crocodiles on you, and then you’ll be sorry.

Fog Patches. said...

Actually, no. Let’s go into the library. You will still need the password but the bear is usually taking a nap before dinner at this hour.

Fog Patches. said...

In case of insomnia bring a couple of lambs in a bag. That will keep her busy long enough for us to climb through the windows and into the sunken garden.