Sunday, 14 September 2008

Thank you, Miss Exotica Stormtrooper.

Hello Lee. I do not understand why your friend Craig is unable to reply directly, but isn’t this the chap with the blog where the replies precede the message? Or perhaps, as Craig speaks for Stefan and you speak for Craig, it’s the case that the more important you feel you are as a follower of druidry the more likely you are to have someone else handle your correspondence? Whichever, you have my respect, Lee, I hope you know that. Please pass this along to Craig in case he forgets where he put his screen:

Craig. First, I haven’t made Seniuk out as a celebrity but I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks of himself that way, nor do I have any contempt for Seniuk, reserving such valuable regard for those who truly deserve the attention. No, I’m actually laughing at Seniuk and his pledgers, and you have just given me further cause to guffaw: If Seniuk has designed his statement to be controversial - and a “call to arms” is certainly that - then he shouldn’t be surprised to find himself at the centre of a controversy, should he? I think you’ll find that’s the generally expected result of making a statement designed to be controversial. I would be surprised to learn that someone who speaks in such militant terms was so precious as to wither beneath a little satire, after all if someone sets themselves up as a warrior-prophet then they should expect a few catcalls and hoots.

I do not doubt your sincerity at all yet controversy does not beget respect nor do proclamations imply authority. There may be a need for many changes within Druidry but the first change needed if for those who call themselves druids to stop taking themselves so bloody seriously.

P.S. The history in Seniuk’s statement is total bollocks, you do know that don't you?


Anonymous said...


I know I shouldn't bother but I am not one to walk away from a direct challenge.

Do you feel secure on the fence where you sit and blow raspberries at people who try to actually do something?

Perhaps you should come to Flag Fen and look into the eyes of those you feel qualified to criticise?

You are most welcome to join us and perhaps your wisdom might help us in our endeavour. There is the risk though you could have your misconceptions challenged.

The invite is open.


Fog Patches. said...

Dear Miss Stormtrooper.

Little Foggy won’t be attending your Jamboree this month due to the fact that Brown Owl is a dick and that whatever any of the girls say during this mockery of democracy Brown Owl will still do whatever the fuck she wants.

Your faithfully,

Mrs Asphyxia Patches née Winter.

Anonymous said...

how can i get in touch with
Fog-Patches??? i like the cut of his Jib

i would gladly look into Seniuk's eyes if the offer truly is open
