Monday, 1 September 2008

Personality Cu*t.

Recently I observed someone announce that his gods are figments of his imagination, yet this man leads his own religious group in conducting rituals and observing tradition centred around the Wiccan God and Goddess. Where is the sense here? Perhaps the other members of his group feel as he, that their gods are entirely imaginary. If, on the other hand, they are sincere in their belief in the literal existence of their gods then what can they possibly gain from following a someone who does not share their sincerity in this particular regard? Further, what does this religious roleplayer gain from his leadership of his group?

I think that it is much easier to have respect for a person who calls themselves a pagan and denies any interest in gods or even their existence than for someone who cynically employs the idea of gods for their own self-agrandisement.

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